rachni wars. It was the Sixth Fleet that flew against the rachni in the beginning of the Rachni Wars, and it was the Sixth Fleet that liberated the first colony under siege in the Krogan Rebellions. rachni wars

 It was the Sixth Fleet that flew against the rachni in the beginning of the Rachni Wars, and it was the Sixth Fleet that liberated the first colony under siege in the Krogan Rebellionsrachni wars  Eventually they became a new threat to the galaxy so the Council uplifted the Krogan as their foot soldiers and, although they won the Rachni Wars, the Krogan weren’t satisfied and started the Krogan Rebellion, taking over a few colonies

This is right as the Rachni wars start, so maybe make a name for themselves there by providing a fighting force, doing what they had to uplift the Krogans to do in the original timeline. Barring scouring through the Codex, If you go the Krogan Monument on the Citadel, you can learn about the Rachni Wars. New opportunities for trade and knowledge are welcomed into the galactic civilization and you saved a whole species from destruction. The Rachni are significantly larger, especially in terms of mass, compared to Geonosians. 26. Cut to present day and the Citadel Council is the dominant species of the galaxy, until they stumble upon some small empires on. I don’t know the word for being the victim of genocide and I won’t look it up either. And thst is where we see a pure Rachni. What no one really addresses is the Rachnis inherent nature. A few thousand years later, humans attempt to revive a dormant Mass Relay, which is forbidden by the Council since the Rachni wars. Killing her is the safe choice; sparing her is the wise one. The Turians reacted quickly and aggressively, because for all they know the humans may be moments away from starting the next Rachni war. Rachni Soldiers are slower but much larger creatures than Rachni Workers, with thin tentacles ending in little pods. . Acting in swarms, they rush up to hostiles and explode in suicide. But after 1000 years, the krogan deserved to have a second chance. Manipulated by Protheans who destroyed 200 worlds when the Rachni pushed back. The emergence of the krogan ended the Rachni Wars. The post orbits the mass relay and is still manned and maintained, although today it largely exists as a customs checkpoint for researchers studying the rachni homeworld. The Rachni were a much more destructive force that couldn't be reasoned with. I think sovereign might’ve tried to open the citadel mass relay after the geth rebelled against the Quarians, so that’s well after the rachni wars. The rachni wars could have been meant as a way to stop the progress in the galaxy before the rest of the Reapers can be called or just he assembled them to attack the Citadel as he did later with geth but they didn't exactly listen. TSV Rasuna - Council Exploratory Service - 343 CE It had been in the Embers of the Rachni Wars that the first Tomb-World was discovered by the Exploratory Vessel Light of Thessia and its captain Samiyphia T'erse. In 300 CE, the rachni were declared extinct, although in caution the Citadel Council left a listening post in the rachni's home system to monitor for any survivors. Similarly, the rachni queen that is present in ME3 if you let the queen in ME1 die is called a breeder. . The Rachni Wars. 80 CE - The Rachni Wars continue; the Salarians uplift the Krogan, using them as the vanguard of the Citadel Council. It was the Sixth Fleet that flew against the rachni in the beginning of the Rachni Wars, and it was the Sixth Fleet that liberated the first colony under siege in the Krogan Rebellions. Unlike the other races of the Citadel, only the krogan had the reproductive capacity to outnumber and. Lame Duck says:The Rachni wars started because they reactivated an inactive relay which led them directly into Rachni space. The Rachni Wars continue. Attempts to negotiate were futile, as it was impossible to make contact with the hive queens that guided the race from beneath the surface of their toxic homeworld. This could mean that the Turians are fully intact or not depending upon if they were in some contact with the Citadel or not. DISCUSSION. O. -The rachni, a species of highly intelligent hive-minded insects, are discovered when a Citadel expedition opens a dormant mass relay leading to their star systems. Prequel: I’d set it during the Rachni wars and a krogan rebellions expansion pack (think the Witcher 3 heart of stone or blood and. Whether or not to kill the Rachni Queen is one of the best-designed choices in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, with consequences far beyond ME1. Both the rachni and the krogan had their reproductive capabilities on their side, and even then those wars both lasted centuries. This relay was ordered to never be reactivated, an order the Turians tried to reinforce, which resulted in. in 3 if you've saved the queen in 1 the reapers are once again "spoiling the song" and controlling the children of the queen, so when shep shows up it's kill her before she can be freed and turn on the reapers. Rachni Queen: A tone from space hushed one voice after another. This relay opened a route to territory controlled by the rachni, a. The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. Their bodies also arn't reay built for climbing. Around 1 CE, salarian explorers opened a mass relay to a previously-unknown system and encountered the. It's not outright stated, but Bioware put that line in for a reason. Subscribe. Attempts to negotiate were futile, as it was impossible to make contact with the hive queens that guided the race from beneath the surface of their toxic homeworld. Using the information and star maps of the mass relays, they built their own ships and began their Reaper inspired war of conquest. (Whenever the rachni wars are brought up, terminology like "consumed" or "devoured" is used to refer to what the Rachni did to worlds and populations they overran). Wrex didn't fought in the Rachni wars, we don't even know if he was born yet. This was something that was not considered when the salarians uplifted the krogan to fight the rachni. Well to be fair there was a war with the Rachni so maybe they'd think human movies weren't too far off. Wrex reminds everyone that it was krogan intervention in the Rachni Wars that turned the tide against the rachni but the dalatrass counters that they exhausted their usefulness, the genophage being the only thing keeping the krogans' "urges" and lust for war in check, enraging Wrex. They came into contact with the Citadel Council when Salarian explorers encountered them and accidentally provided them with faster-than-light technology, leading to the Rachni Wars. When krogan forces bombarded the planet, the rachni abandoned their surface buildings for the security of their tunnels. 167K views 7 years ago. The Salarian's discovery of the Rachni and uplifting of the Krogan led to the Rachni Wars and Krogan Rebellions. The Rachni Wars begin. During these centuries the clan-like structure of the krogans that formed after the nuclear holocaust was still in force. Which could land him well within his second. Bred to survive in the harshest environments, the krogan were able to strike at the queens in their lairs and reclaim conquered Council worlds. We have records from the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, surely with Asari level of technology, even 2,000 years ago, they would also have records. The Mu Relay's location was lost after it was moved by a supernova, but ended up somewhere in Rachni controlled space before the Rachni Wars. The krogan won the Rachni Wars, stopping the rachni from wiping out everyone else. The only reasonable krogan in ME series are Wrex and Eve, and there's no guarantee what the krogan will do after those two are dead if genophage. Which means the Krogan were uplifted by the Salarians after the Quarians were encountered as well. A human is arguably the most objective judge on the situation because the Rachni Wars weren’t part of our. The salarians make first contact with and uplift the primitive krogan, manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council. The whole cluster was overlooked during the rebuilding centuries after the wars, as the damages to the biospheres was deemed too severe. In 2157, humans managed to come across a mass relay that was closed following the Rachni Wars. They also weren't part of the Council during the Rachni Wars. For some reason, it is especially strong on the hunter's homeworld. The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. Rachni Soldiers are much larger and have several tentacles attached to their body. Also, that's all assuming it could happen in time, I really don't think said uplifting could happen in any. Which could land him well within his second. Rachni Wars; A brief rachni attack on Tuchanka results in devastation for the rachni: one of their first major terrestrial defeat in the Wars, and not the last. That being said, this will probably boil down to how aggressive the swarm is acting. It is not another last rachni queen, but instead a synthetic queen that the reapers created for the purposes. These Rachni survive and finally mobilizecwhen discovered, hence the Rachni wars. 300 CE: End of the Rachni Wars, with the help of krogan troops who assault the rachni home world. The Zerg replace the Rachni from the Rachni Wars, but unlike last time. The rachni burrowed deep underground on worlds with little to no basic habitability. A corporation called Binary Helix later found the vessel and brought an egg to the icy planet Noveria to hatch it, planning to clone the rachni inside to mass-produce an army, but instead of a worker as they’d expected, the egg hatched into a queen. They already survived the Rachni Wars and the Krogan Rebellions, and humanity isn't even remotely on the same level as those two races. Okeer respected the Rachni, that infers that he did fight them, and the Rachni Wars happened 400 years before the Rebellions No, it doesn't. They hid as well, and the rachni, having been set to do one thing, continued to do it. The Rachni Wars could possibly have been caused by indoctrination So the Protheans were confirmed by Javik to have meddled with the Rachni when they were in earlier. Wrex finds the willpower to help Shepard destroy the cure and cloning facility and hunt down Saren. Negotiation with the rachni queens was impossible; the queens could not. If you were a good friend to Wrex in ME1 you should keep being a good friend to him in ME3, so on and so forth. The Rachni Wars took place about 2000 years ago. This relay was ordered to never be reactivated, an order the Turians tried to reinforce, which resulted in conflict between the two parties. 300 CE The rachni are declared extinct after being defeated by the krogan, who have been genetically uplifted by salarians specifically to combat them. Just got done creating these three civs for a mass effect style galaxy. Garret Bryson. There is no hard evidence that the Rachni were controlled by either leviathans or reapers during the rachni wars and did not decide it was snack time on their own volition. The Protheans picked the most intelligent and strongest queens to make the best soldiers. Bred. Sometimes you don’t have time to convince someone to stand. Benezia is unaware of Saren's plans involving the Mu Relay, but gives Shepard the coordinates before succumbing to the indoctrination again, needing to be killed. These aliens were believed to have been extinct for several hundred years, after the Krogan helped to wipe them. the reapers indoctrinated the Rachni to attack. I don't think he's that old but, just saying. We get a few things (biotic ball sounds cooler than any earth sport) but I would have liked more. They have all the technology they have access two. 7% longer than earth time. For 300 years, they were left to their own devices and given multiple new planets as thanks for their role in the Rachni Wars, both the harsh rachni worlds and pristine garden worlds. Piracy was common, and several military facilities were constructed. 80 CE- The Rachni Wars continue. The post orbits the mass relay and is still manned and maintained, although today it largely exists as a customs checkpoint for researchers studying the rachni homeworld. Just got done creating these three civs for a mass effect style galaxy. Location: Milky Way / Minos Wasteland / Arrae System / Second planet Gellix was given to the krogran [sic] after the Rachni Wars, but bitterly contested in the Krogan Rebellions and reconquered by the turians. Ironically, after the. To contextualize, the Quarians fled Rannoch 300 years prior to the events of ME1. c. Even those who were outside of Council authority. The Krograns already had lots of experience with technology, having gotten themselves to the Nuclear age 3 times already (I'm interpreting 'Blowing themselves. With the help of the salarians, the krogan were "uplifted" into galactic society, and lent their numbers and military prowess to bring an end to the Rachni Wars. banned by traumatised organics? Hello, Dune. The krogan were. The Asari and Salarians didn't make first contact with them until the Krogan Rebellion had already started. The actual result was incredibly disappointing, but I still stand by my decision on principle. Piracy was common, and several military facilities were constructed. After Rachni Wars, Krogan population and military power spiked like crazy and they started their uncontrollable expansion. For all that the Salarians didn't wipe out the Krogan, that doesn't mean they couldn't have if they wanted to. With two stories now stretching across vast amounts of space and. Anyway, that's it really. The Rachni Wars continue. The Rachni Queen Commander Shepard encounters on. The most that they'll do to extend an olive branch to the krogan is the asari will sometimes invite krogan to attend commemoration events specifically remembering the Rachni Wars (which is pretty pathetic to say the least). During the Rachni Wars, instead of finding the Krogans, the Salarians instead make fist contact with the Sangheili at their home world. Reply reply. "Eve" in the third game privately admits to Shepard that Wrex is the greatest thing to happen to Tuchanka in over a thousand years. Unfortunately, the rachni were not peaceful, and the galaxy was plunged into a series of conflicts known as the Rachni Wars. Just wanted to lay out the main three theories for the cause of the Rachni Wars and maybe. - Rachni Wars. The Rachni Wars happened tens of thousands of years after the Protheans died. I saved her hoping I would get to see some Rachni troops in the final battle, maybe even a warship or two fighting with Sword fleet. The rachni are an insect-like species from the planet Suen, thought to be extinct. Many scientists theorize it is why. Cool find, I guess, but not something of particular use. Then again some things Javik says make it sound like the Rachni Wars were a direct consequence of the Protheans weaponisation of the Rachni so that. With the destruction of the orbital stations established by the Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission (Established after the Rachni wars) and the end of the genophage, the Krogan population amongst the clans that settled the most fertile valleys have seen populations rise by as much as 6% per annum by STG estimates. I assume the other cultures had their own alien movies before they explored the galaxy. But why would the reapers start the harvest before any race had advenced ai, the Quarians only made the first geth after the Rachni wars was long over and we know in the prothean cycle the harvest started after a syntetic race started a war, so it would seem logical for me that a war between syntetics and organics would be the catalyst of the harvest and the. Wrex reminds everyone that it was krogan intervention in the Rachni Wars that turned the tide against the rachni but the dalatrass counters that they exhausted their usefulness, the genophage being the only thing keeping the krogans' "urges" and lust for war in check, enraging Wrex. The Rachni Wars rage, and Humanity has entered the galactic stage with new ideas, and new ways to wage war. Hoping to expand their territory and driven by. 10 The Rachni Wars. A war like the Rachni Wars that literally lasts for centuries would eventually come to define a species and change them. Ironically, after the rachni were eradicated, the rapidly-expanding krogan became a threat to the galaxy in turn, starting the Krogan Rebellions and forcing the turians to unleash the. If you got an Arbiter-level Elite in the mix, the Krogan will definitely have some casualties. Mass Effect 3 establishes Rachni Queens are immune to Reaper indoctrination, ruling them out as the source of the "sour yellow note" that specifically affected the Queens. It's a stretch to blame that directly on the Protheans. Per the codex the Rachni wars started when a Salarian ship landed on the Rachni home world, and the Rachni took the ship to gain access to technology. Dialogue in the series suggests that either the Reapers manipulated the Rachni into hostility as a means of testing the Milky Way’s progress, or the Leviathan manipulated them in an attempt to create shock troops to fight the Reapers. Rachni Wars, Krogan Rebellions, First Contact War, Reaper War Reply [deleted. Developed in 34 CE the Malak was first used in the Rachni Wars. The Krogans were the last resort in a war they were losing. Turians happened to be patrolling the area at the time and their ships opened fire on the. Around 1 CE, salarian. These rachni use their bodies as weapons, spitting acid that can cause heavy toxic damage on par with the damage of a sniper round. Wrex admits Shepard is right and compares that scenario to how the Council once used the Korgans to fight off Rachni aliens in the ancient Rachni Wars. Negotiation with the rachni queens is impossible because they cannot be contacted. Born in 2158, Ann used to doodle in her youth, exemplified by drawings made when she was nine: crayon drawings of a hanar and a crude rendition of her. Her death would ensure something: that that colony of Rachni would die/be neutralized. The worst part about this is that it means Sovereign was trying to initiate the invasion since the Rachni Wars. That means that not only did Asari and Krogan see them, but Turians, Salarians, and likely Drell, Hanar, Volus, and Elcor as well. J. The Rachni prove to be hostile and begin a war with the rest of the galaxy. 0:00 / 10:28. a light anti-air gun due to it's massive firepower. The salarians make first contact with and uplift the primitive krogan , manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council. CryptoThe Council was founded in 500 BCE*, and the Rachni Wars were around 1CE*. I personally felt that it was the Leviathans that were behind the Rachni Wars instead of the Reapers. The emergence of the krogan ended the Rachni Wars. . DISCUSSION. Heyoo, we are back to the present! This week we will discuss one of the cooler species in the Mass effect lore, the Rachni! No…The Rachni Wars showed the Reapers what military capabilities the Salarians, Turians, and Asari had, and they were, at the time, the most powerful species in the galaxy. The rachni, a species of spacefaring insects guided by a hive-mind intelligence, evolved on Suen, a planet. I think sovereign might’ve tried to open the citadel mass relay after the geth rebelled against the Quarians, so that’s well after the rachni wars. That happened thousands of years ago. Over 25 years after the end of the Rachni Wars, a new technology independent of Mass Effect technology is discovered: Bioenergy. The emergence of the krogan ended the Rachni Wars. According to the citadel they have been dropped in an unknown space, with, a hostile superpower at their borders, ready to end. The rachni remember an outside influence on them at the time of the Rachni Wars, almost 1900 years before the Morning War. 100,000 years ago, life was wiped out by an extra galactic threat of ancient squids. Venturing to the world, Shephard ends up working with the remnants of a lost Krogan team (and their leader, Grunt from Mass Effect 2, assuming he survived the Suicide Mission from the conclusion of that game). The Rachni Wars continue. The Rachni Wars [] The times of peaceful first contact ended abruptly for the Council with the accidental discovery of the rachni around 1 CE. There is a 30 light-year limit to KF jumps. The Rebellions would never have happened sooo skip to the Reaper Wars. 80 CE The Rachni Wars continue. Victorious Krogan might have stole colony worlds or occupied planets as conquerors, but they weren't out to destroy civilization. So yes, the Council does reward races for their work. An almost superstitious dread has grown around its entrance into conflict, as any war with the fleet has never remained small. The Rachni Wars are nothing to take lightly, but things are different in the galaxy now, in 2183. When they took over the Asari planet of Lusia, the Citadel Council demanded they leave. Imply is always used when someone else makes the statement. She’d be familiar with who the Rachni are and what the other races had to do to stop them. The Rachni Wars took place around 2100 years before the setting of Mass Effect. 1 CE, if you're wondering. The Rachni Wars? A touch of Starship Troopers. Yes, the Protheans were screwing with the rachni, but they did not directly cause the Rachni Wars and it seems unlikely that, like, genetic engineering/selective breeding would cause the "sour yellow note" the. The Rachni, a species of highly intelligent hive-minded insects, are discovered when a Citadel expedition opens a dormant mass relay leading to their star systems. I suppose it's murder to kill the queen but it was to ensure the galaxy's safety. I let her live, the rachni wars were a long time ago and she wasn't part of it. Could go either way/stalemate 18%. The Rachni choice in particular, IMO, just shouldn't really exist in ME3. CryptoYou forgot about the Krogan Rebellions that took place after the Rachni Wars? Krogan bred like rats and basically became the new rachni and were only defeated in the end by introducing the genophage. 5. Unfortunately, the Rachni were not peaceful, and the galaxy was plunged into a series of conflicts known as the Rachni Wars. Geth - They pay little attention to the Geth. A lifetime of committed nerdery means writers. And reapers were the end game of the OT. During the Rachni Wars the Krogan’s extremely fast breeding helped ensure victory for the Citadel races, but. They rush towards their enemy and explode causing toxic damage. That’s when the genophage was developed. Commander Shepard is an officer, who presumably studied the military history of the galaxy in her officer academy and special forces training. Which is why, for this list, we’re only looking at. As they get in closer they find a structure nearly as large. Realistically, saving the rachni queen not once but twice is very stupid. According to in-game lore, the Rachni at one time posed a substantial threat to Citadel Space, which ultimately led to the Rachni Wars. The Rachni protocol was old, dating back to the time just after the Rachni wars. There's tons of arguements on whether to spare or kill the Rachni Queen. They were already prepped for it. Mar 26, 2015 #19 Furons Empire! said: Nope,NOPES, Krogan can easily go to 1-100 odds against Geth, the Krogans have heavy armor and shieldings plus they're already insane durability followd. Salarians are the second race to join the Citadel, the are native from the planet Sur'Kesh. Killing her is the safe choice; sparing her is the wise one. She is a member of Task Force Aurora, a group created to investigate ancient legends about the Reapers. yes of course the Reapers are responsible for the Rachni wars and such, but where does Hitler come into all…Now in the year 2183, the fate of the rachni rests in the hands of Commander Shepard. Because you would want the game to fit within the timeline. The rachni are also a particularly sore topic for him, given the brutal war between them and the krogan. 700 CE [] Krogan warlords leverage veterans of the Rachni Wars to annex territory from other races in Citadel space. The post orbits the mass relay and is still manned and maintained, although today it largely exists as a customs checkpoint for researchers studying the rachni homeworld. 100,000 years ago, life was wiped out by an extra galactic threat of ancient squids. He's well aware of how weak and flimsy. ME1 takes place in 2183, the Rachni wars ended in 300, so that'd be 1883 years. Hermes. I. 50,000 years later, the same thing happens again to the might Prothean Empire. The war lasted "nearly three centuries". The so called Rachni Wars lasted nearly 300 years and could only be won by the constant stream of new warships and the extremely rapid breeding cycle of the krogans. As has been said earlier, the Rachni Queens are immune to the effects of indoctrination, and the Reapers don't particularly care for things they can't control, much less want to rely on them for shock troops. It's not hording all the garden worlds for itself. Arcturus relay was dormant and so was the sol system's relay, which was. 300 CEJust like the Krogan were in the Rachni wars. Right now it's just the queen. For context, the Roman Empire was just coming into the height of its power around the same time on Earth. TL;DR: The krogan nearly won the Rebellions through smarts. The First Contact War, referred to as the Relay 314 Incident by the turians, was a small, three-month conflict between the human Systems Alliance and the Turian Hierarchy. Salarians discovered the Rachni and uplifted the Krogan to deal with it, the Krogan expanded rapidly and the Turians fought back, then the Salarians developed the. Krogans can charge but Elites have a powerful roundhouse kick. Really enjoying the story so far, it shows a lot of promise. save the rachni queen or kill her? risk a potential rachni wars 2 but save a species. The Rachni Wars (1 - 300 CE) . However, the krogan birth rate exploded despite the. The Krogan, who can survive in the vacuum of space, were used as ground soldiers, to go in to nest worlds, and clean out the brood mothers, and all the ‘foot soldiers’, when the Turians (who provided the navy to fight the rachni in space) couldn’t get rid of the ground bases. Rachni Bioships are biotechnically modified creatures originally grown in the Maskin Xul Solar System. The Codex explains that the Rachni Wars, which occurred approximately two millennia prior to the game’s timeline, flared up when the Rachni, roused from a peaceful isolationism, hijacked the faster-than-light technology of an expeditionary force, proceeding to outnumber and devastate the military forces of the Council. If you killed the original queen then the rachni queen will be an artificially created queen made by the reapers. What I was saying was that the Rachni Invasion sparked the downfall of the Krogan Empire. The rachni operate like the Zerg swarms from StarCraft. The Rachni Wars were a series of conflicts that took place in the history of the Mass Effect series. I worked it out a while back; Jesus and I have the same Birth year. RELATED: Mass Effect: The Citadel Races, Explained. The Rachni captured the expedition and reverse-engineered the Salarian vessel's systems in order. If the krogan get a second chance, then the Rachni deserve one too. Nope. This article contains references to the ending of Mass Effect 3. If you enlist the help of the Clone Rachni Queen: the clone isn't the same Rachni Queen, and ultimately will betray you. When speaking to the Rachni Queen (or her Asari messenger in ME2), she makes it very clear that some kind of outside influence corrupted the song of the Rachni hive mind with its own sour, yellow note, compelling their. The Rachni Wars were a series of conflicts beginning in approximately 1 CE, when an expedition from the Citadel Council activated a dormant mass relay. You can find out that the growth of the rachni was immensely devastating to the galaxy, and victory only came for the Council species by virtue of uplifting the krogan and using them as troops against the rachni. Secondly, we know that this fast maturity time was a big enough factor for the krogans to tip the scales in both the Rachni Wars and the Krogan Rebellions. Don’t forget the rachni wars forced the krogan to evolve at a rapid rate because of how much of a threat they were to the galaxy. Queens also carry the genetic memory of their. The emergence of the krogan ended the Rachni Wars. The Rachni Wars took place around 2100 years before the setting of Mass Effect. They threatened Citadel Space roughly two thousand years ago during the Rachni Wars. The emergence of the krogan ended the Rachni Wars. The Rachni Wars (1 - 300 CE) . They didn't because their was still enough sentiment leftover from the rachni wars, to the point that the council fought to preserve a krogan statue at the very heart of the government. The Rachni used to be the bane of the galaxy back before humanity became a space. N. If you do, the breeder will die along with the rest of Aralakh Company (since she fights back. The Rachni that was rescued from Suen was an Empress. The Leviathans were ones that mind controlled the Rachni, not the Reapers (which is appears you already know). The rachni wars were created by the reapers, which was presumably a first attempt to counteract the prothean's sabotage, meaning Sovereign had likely planned to trigger the trap around that time, failed and started looking for a plan B. The Quarians were not the most recent before the humans, no. #1. Negotiation with the rachni queens is impossible because they cannot be contacted in their underground nests on the toxic rachni worlds. (if the Rachni would’ve won the war) It wasn't. The rachni prove to be hostile and begin a war with the rest of the galaxy. Their first contact with the Salarians and Asari occurred during the Krogan Rebellions where they shortly afterwards earned a seat on the citadel council by winning said conflict. Maybe add the Alliance in later as a DLC/expansion pack and do the First Contact War as well. Let me paint you a picture. In 300 CE, the rachni were declared extinct, although in caution the Citadel Council left a listening post in the rachni's home system to monitor for any survivors. They had endless. All the council races and the Krogan were space-faring races at the time of the Rachni Wars, so pictures of them would be in every history book written in the past 900 years. “You’ve read that much at least, right Jane? A couple of thousand years ago, the Asari and Salarians opened a Prime Relay without knowing where it led, leading to the Rachni Wars. Based just on Rachni, that would mean he could be almost 1900. It was their choices (rather, the choices of their leadership, same as with the salarians and the Council to deploy the genophage) that lead to the Krogan. CryptoThe krogan like to say “they thanked us for the rachni wars by neutering us” while neglecting to remember that no, they gave them planets to live on as a reward, and then their population surged and they started blowing up moons and decimating the turians. The wiki page [] for the Rachni Wars says: "Around 1 CE, salarian explorers opened a mass relay to a previously-unknown system and encountered the rachni, who promptly captured them. Most people who spare cited genocide and that it isn't this Queens fault. The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. Free of the harsh environment of Tuchanka, the krogan population explodes. Maffeketel. The Rachni Wars took place around 2100 years before the setting of Mass Effect. The salarian team venturing through the relay encountered the rachni, who captured them and reverse-engineered their technology to gain FTL spaceflight and mass relay transit capability, with which they. The Salarians created a genetic infection that made. The Rachni were exterminated because they fought to the death, it's not like they surrendered and were slaughtered. Should the Reapers had invaded then, the Asari would have likely been deemed the. Okeer respected the Rachni, that infers that he did fight them, and the Rachni Wars happened 400 years before the Rebellions No, it doesn't. Someone here mentioned in a thread I don't remember that the reapers were originally supposed to arrive around the time of the rachni wars, with Sovereign using the Rachni, but things didn't pan out with that. The salarians make first contact with and uplift the primitive krogan , manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council. If they could be deactivated locally they would have done so during the Rachni wars and would not care about people activating them without knowing what was on the other side. Known for their militaristic and disciplined culture, the turians were the third race to join the Citadel Council replacing the Krogans as primary Military after their rebellion in the aftermath of the Rachni wars. Their timelines are squished and unrealistic. Even more amazing is that this is in galatic standard time, which is 15. Negotiation with the rachni queens was impossible; the queens could not. . caesar_andy Jul 9, 2021 @ 4:23pm. Unfortunately, one relay led to rachni territory. Not to mention, a LOT of mistakes were made during the Rachni Wars, and we're still feeling their effects. Which means there's no laws against AI right now. The wiki page for the Rachni Wars says: "Around 1 CE, salarian explorers opened a mass relay to a previously-unknown system and encountered the rachni, who promptly captured them. While some consider this an unforgiveable crime, decades of war and over 26 billion casualties amongst the Citadel Species have eroded moral standards to the point where a majority sees genocide as an acceptable solution. The salarians make first contact with and uplift the primitive krogan, manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council. Unlike the other races of the Citadel, only the krogan had the reproductive capacity to outnumber and. During these centuries the clan-like structure of the krogans that formed after the nuclear holocaust was still in force. The Queen in 3 explicitly mentions they are surrounded by the same sour yellow note when you find her trapped by the Reapers. ” Really, the Council was fucked until the Krogan showed up which is why they were briefly treated as such heroes. I will explain the difference in upcoming chapters. This hostile species tore through. Firstly there are only two Rachni queens. *This video will have spoilers for ME1, ME2, and ME3*We take a look at what happened during the Rachni Wars and why it matters so much in the Mass Effect uni. Krogans win. She appears to have some involvement in The. You rushed a species' evolution and then decided to play god with their reproduction - at the very fucking least - this race, the Krogan, in which ALL OTHER SPECIES relied on to survive the Rachni wars, deserves a real say in galactic discussions. Big Good: Becomes this to the krogan on Tuchanka if he lives past Virmire. They have no high intelligence and are thus more like a. Their tentacles are capable of impaling close victims. The biggest extinction events were the Krogan Rebellions and the Rachni Wars. 99 percent of a krogan is built on low odds of survival, so when the rachni were defeated and peace was attained. The salarians make first contact with and uplift the primitive krogan, manipulating them into acting as soldiers for the Citadel Council to turn the tide of the Rachni Wars. Anhur in the distant Imir system was only lightly populated by rachni, and the planets “cleanup-operation” only caused moderate damage. The krogan prove able to survive the harsh environments of the rachni worlds and pursue the rachni into their nests, systematically eradicating queens and eggs. And her entire conversation beforehand is talking about how we lack color [beauty] in our songs and men with needles took away her children so they couldn't hear beautiful songs. Grunt is also biologically, a perfect krogan. Just one small point of correction, the Turians weren't involved in the Rachni Wars. Location: Milky Way / Ninmah Cluster / Maskim Xul Listening Post X-19 was built shortly after the Rachni Wars, just in case any rachni survived the annihilation of Suen. The Rachni choice in particular, IMO, just shouldn't really exist in ME3. The rachni gave no reason for sympathy. Mass Effect was a far more Grimm universe than I had imagined. Those corrupting notes could simply have been the Rachni losing themselves in a war of their own creation. This kickstarts a conflict. He could've technically been born during the wars, but had not yet gone through the rite by the time the Krogan wrapped it up.